HELPING HAND LLC, is a well-respected construction company that is involved in a full range of Buildings construction, Roads Infrastructure, MEP and Security Projects. We provide our Professional contracting services throughout the region of United Arab Emirates. It is the policy of HH to provide a service that exceeds our client’s expectations. We do this by attracting the most qualified employees and by seeking the most reputable and high-quality sub-contractors and products.

Helping Hand, has adopted Occupational Health & Safety Management system that complies with the International Standard OHSAS 18001:2007.

As part of HH OH & S policy, HH has:
  •   Provided and implemented safe systems of work.
  •   Provided and maintained safe places of work, free from risks to health.
  •   Provided and maintained safe working equipment.
  •   Provided information, instructions, trainings and supervision to all its personal.
  •   Ensured that all employees are competent to do their work.
  •   Consulted with its employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  •   Encouraged the participation of all employees in improving health and safety standards.
  •   Strived to continuously improve health and safety management and performance.
  •   Provided and maintained sufficient resources for the management of health and safety.
  •   Implemented a system of monitoring, reviewing and reporting on health and safety performance issues.
The HH five rules at work are as follows:
  •   I assess and control risks before starting any task.
  •   I only perform activities for which I am authorized.
  •   I never override or misuse health and safety devices and I always use the required PPE.
  •   I report all incidents.

Professional, Reliable and Affordable Services